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工作室成员年富力强,覆盖多学科多方向。其在种群动力系统、生物资源管理、害虫综合治理和环境污染作用下的种群模型等应用领域以及生物智能决策等方面取得了很多创新性的研究成果。团队成员中有辽宁省优秀科技工作者1人,辽宁省骨干教师2人,辽宁省“百千万人才工程”百人层次1人、千人层次2人、万人层次1人,鞍山市劳动模范2人,鞍山市“钢都英才计划”高端人才1人,鞍山市五一劳动奖章1人,鞍山青年五四奖章1人,鞍山市优秀青年岗位能手1人,鞍山市首批突出贡献专家1人,鞍山市优秀科技工作者2人,鞍山市教育系统优秀共产党员2人,鞍山市“三八红旗手”标兵2人,鞍山市“巾帼育人”标兵2人,鞍山市师德标兵1人。近5年,工作室成员在International Journal of Bifurcation and ChaosNonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English SeriesJournal of Biological SystemInternational Journal of BiomathematicsMathematical Biosciences and engineeringIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatic, Journal of Biomedical Informatic, Computational Biology and Chemistry, Biosystems等国际著名学术期刊发表论文34篇,主持省部级以上项目13项,其中包括国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,辽宁省高等学校创新人才支持计划1项,辽宁省百千万人才工程项目1项,辽宁省自然科学基金项目4项,辽宁省教育厅项目5项。2019年11月工作室获批“鞍山市劳模创新工作室”。2020年10月工作室获批“辽宁省劳模创新工作室”。















1) Y. S. Pei, B. Liu, H. K. Qi, Extinction and stationary distribution of stochastic predator-prey model with group defense behavior, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineerin, 2022. 19(12): 13062-13078.

2) X. Hou, B. Liu, Y. L Wang, Z. Zhao, Complex dynamics in a Filippov pest control model with group defense, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2022, 15(1), 2250053.

3) X. Huang, B. Z. Su, C. B. Zhu, X. Y. He, X. H. Lin. Dynamic network construction for identifying early warning signals based on a data-driven approach: early diagnosis biomarker discovery for gastric cancer, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022, DOI10.1109/TCBB.2022. 3176319.

4) X. Huang, Z. Q. Liao, B. Liu, F. M. Tao, B. Z. Su, X. H. Lin. A novel method for constructing classification models by combining different biomarker patterns. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022, 19, 786-794.

5) L.C.Zhao, J.N.Liu, M. Zhang, B. Liu, Analysis and control of a delayed population model with an Allee effect, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2022, 15(5), Article ID: 2250025.

6) L.C. Zhao, J. N. Liu, B. Liu, Y. Li, H. Y. Zhao. Catastrophe control of aphid populations model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(7): 7122-7137.

7) X. Huang, Y. Zhou, H. Z. Tang, B. Liu, B. Z. Su, Q. Wang. Differential metabolic network construction for personalized medicine: study of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients’ response to gliclazide-modified-release-treated. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2021, 118, Article ID: 103796.

8) X. Huang, Z. Y. Wang, B. Z. Su, X. Y. He, B. Liu, B. L. Kang. A computational strategy for metabolic network construction based on the overlapping ratio: study of patients’ metabolic responses to different dialysis patterns. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2021, 93, Article ID: 107539SCI检索, IF = 2.877

9) B. Liu, X. L. Ye, G. Hu, Design of a new 3d chaotic system producing infifinitely many coexisting attractors and its application to weak signal detection, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2021, 31(15), 2150235.

10) B. Liu, Xiaolin Ye, Qianqian Chen, Generating Infinitely Many Coexisting Attractors via a New 3D Cosine System and Its Application in Image Encryption, IEEE Access, 2021, 9, 136292.

11) B. LiuX. Wang, L. Song, J. N. LiuStudy on evolution of a predator-prey model in a polluted environment, Nonlinear Analysis:Modelling and Control, 2021, 26(6), 1052-1070.

12) B. Liu, F. M. Tao, B. L. Kang, G. Hu, Modelling the effects of pest control with development of pesticide resistance, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2021, 37(1), 109–125.

13) G. Hu, K. J. Wang, L. L. Liu, Underwater acoustic target recognition based on depthwise separable convolution neural networks, Sensor, 2021, 21: 1429.

14) G. Hu, K. J. Wang, L. L. Liu, Detection line spectrum of ship radiated noise based on a new 3D chaotic system, Sensors, 2021, 21: 1610.

15) B. Liu, G. Hu, B. L. Kang, X. HuangAnalysis of a hybrid pest management model incorporating pest resistance and different control strategies, Mathematical Biosciences and engineering, 2020, 17(5): 4364–4383.

16) B. Liu, L. Song, X. Wang, B. L. Kang, Effects of pollution on individual size of a single species, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2020, 13(8): 2050079.

17) J. Y. Li, Q. D. Huang, B. Liu, An SI integrated pest management model with pesticide resistance to susceptible pestsInternational Journal of Biomathematics, 2020,13(5):2050037.

18) X. L. Ye, X. Y. Wang, S. Gao, J. Mou, Z. S. Wang, A new random diffusion algorithm based on the multi-scroll Chua’s chaotic circuit system, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 127:105905.

19) X. L. Ye, X. Y. Wang, S. Gao, J. Mou, Z. S. Wang, F. F. Yang, A new chaotic circuit with multiple memristors and its application in image encryption, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 99, 1489-1506.

20) X. L. Ye, X. Y. Wang, Characteristic analysis of a simple fractional-order chaotic system with infinitely many coexisting attractors and its DSP implementation, Physica Scripta, 2020, 95: 075212.

21) X. Yang, Z. L. Zhu, H. Yua, Y. L. Zhao, Y. Wang, Locating multiple information sources in social networks based on the naming game, Physics Letters A, 2020, 384, 126908.

22) X. Yang, Z. L. Zhu, H. Yu , Y. L. Zhao, A Naming Game-Based Method for the Location of Information Source in Social Networks, Complexity, 2020, 2020, Article ID 6975250.

23) J. Y. Li, Q. D. Huang, B. Liu, A pest control model with birth pulse as well as residual and delay effects of pesticides,Advances in Difference Equations, 2019, 2019:117.

24) X. H. Lin, X. Huang, L. N. Zhou, W. J. Ren, J. Zeng, W. H. Yao, X. Y. Wang. The robust classification model based on combinatorial features. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2019, 16: 650-657.

25) X. L. Ye, X. Y. Wang, H. Y. Zhao, H. Gao, M. Zhang, Extreme multistability in a new hyperchaotic meminductive circuit and its circuit implementation, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2019, 134(5), 206.

26) X. L.Ye, J. Mou, C. F. Luo, et al., Complexity Analysis of a Mixed Memristive Chaotic Circuit. Complexity, 2018, 2018, 1-9.

27) B. L. Kang, B. Liu, F. M. Tao, An integrated pest management model with dose-response effect of pesticides, Journal of Biological System, 2018, 26(1): 59-86.

28) J. N. Liu, T. Zhang, L. C. Zhao, B. Liu, Analysis and control of a non-smooth population model with impulsive effects, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2018, 11(5), Article ID: 1850047.

29) J. N. Liu, T. Zhang, L. C. Zhao, B. Liu, Analysis and control of the singular system model of aphid ecosystems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2018, Article ID :3030723.

30) X. Huang, X. H. Lin, L. N. Zhou, B. Z. Su. Analyzing omics data by pair-wise feature evaluation with horizontal and vertical comparisons. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, 157: 20-26.

31) X. L. Ye, J. Mou, C. F. Luo; Z. S. Wang; Dynamics analysis of Wien-bridge hyperchaotic memristive circuit system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92, 923-933.

32) X. L. Ye, X. Y. Wang, J. Mou, X. P. Yan, Y. J. Xian, Characteristic analysis of the fractional-order hyperchaotic memristive circuit based on the Wien bridge oscillator, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2018, 133: 516.

33) G. Hu, K. J. Wang, Y. Peng, M. R. Qiu, J. F. Shi, L. L. Liu, Deep learning methods for underwater target feature extraction and recognition: Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2018, 2018: 1214301.

34) X. Huang, X. H. Lin, J. Zeng, L. C. Wang, P. Y. Yin, L. N. Zhou, C. X. Hu, W. H. Yao. A computational method of defining potential biomarkers based on differential sub-networks. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, Article ID: 14339.

35) X. Wang, M. Fan, L. N. Hao, Adaptive evolution of body size subject to indirect effect in trophic cascade system, Biosystems, 2017, 159(1): 23-35.